The Bendlerblock

The Bendlerblock

Exterior view of the building of the Federal Ministry of Defence in Berlin

The southern front of the building overlooking Landwehr Canal

Exterior view of the building of the Federal Ministry of Defence in Berlin

Main entrance for staff and visitors of the Bendlerblock on Stauffenbergstraße

Visitors in the entry hall at the Federal Ministry of Defence in Berlin

The impressive atrium extends over four floors

Several black-and-white pictures on a wall of resisters to the Nazis

Image(s) of the resistance fighters surrounding Stauffenberg

Soldiers lined up on the parade grounds

The parade grounds connect the Bendlerblock with the Bundeswehr Memorial (on the far right)

Several people walking towards the Bundeswehr Memorial

The Memorial west of the Bendlerblock

Aerial view of the building complex of the Federal Ministry of Defence in Berlin

This shot shows large parts of the building complex

Memorial inside the Bendlerblock

Memorial for the victims of 20 July 1944 in the courtyard of the Bendlerblock

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